Paul Davies

A life-long lover of beer, Paul decided to leave his long career in Catering a couple of years ago to pursue a career with Fuller's. With 3 different jobs with the brewery in his first 12 months Paul is now working as a Trade Quality Auditor, delivering courses on cellar management, auditing and helping to improve pubs and their cellars and taking part in many beer events. Paul also manages his website 'Beer Sommelier Kew' which covers beer tastings, brewery reviews and has a strong leaning towards all things Belgian. Paul will be arranging a tour of 6 different types bars in Bruges this August and his forthcoming events include:

A fundraising presentation on the 12 May at 7pm covering how beer is made, the history of Fuller's and a ttutored asting of 7 beer styles in aid of the Friends of St Anne's, Kew. A head-to-head tasting of Fuller's and Clarkshaws beers at the George IV, Chiswick on 24 May at 7pm