Urmas Linnamägi

A marketer by training, Urmas has worked for various international IT & technology companies. At one point of time, he became fed up with IT and found a new hobby in the world of drinks. Since 2006, he is managing „Veinipööning" (Wine Attick), one of the oldest wine bars in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Just few years ago, like many other wine friends, he was impressed by the revolution in the beer world and wanted to know everything about beer. As the beer-sommelier profession is relatively new but fastly growing, it was easy decision to gain more knowledge about beer and to do this in London. This knowledge of beer has already been put to good use in the first full season of beer-training program for customers. After London Beer Academy graduation, it is time for even more exciting challenges. Soon the new craft beer shop and the first beer restaurant in Estonia are about to be opened. Initially, in the home town of Tallinn, later hopefully also in other places where the friendship with beer can be cultivated. You can contact Urmas via email: urmas@vinoteek.ee